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Languages, Study Abroad, World Wednesdays -

Learning a new language besides your native one is truly one of the best things you can do in life. The benefits are easy to see, you will add a great skill to your resume, learn how to communicate with a different culture, and keep your mind sharp as you age. Although learning a new language is something many people do for school, work, or pleasure it is usually difficult to maintain a sustained interest in it without strong determination and proper goals.

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ESSCA Paris, Guides, Study Abroad, World Wednesdays -

...You will most likely be a different person now that you are back...It is without a doubt you will experience many things being back and during the immediate days or weeks following that you will go through a process known as reentry shock...Everyone's experience will be different but just know that you aren’t alone and that you will be forever grateful to yourself for doing it. 

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ESSCA Paris, Guides, Study Abroad, World Wednesdays -

(15 minute read)
Part 2 of 3 in a series dedicated to studying abroad on why you should, how to do it, and what to expect.
Now that you decided you want to study abroad it is time to figure out how exactly to accomplish that because frankly that is the hardest part.
Although this guide will have information for studying abroad in general its focus will be on France. This will also cover studying abroad for a whole semester (or year). I will cover shorter programs like the ESA Paris summer one in another post.

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ESA Paris, Study Abroad, World Wednesdays -

Why studying abroad is something worth considering. It seems obvious that everyone would want to study abroad and I agree with that. If given the chance I believe 99% of people would go for it because why not. For some people though it never crosses their mind either for financial reasons, scheduling conflicts, or general lack of interest or awareness of such opportunities.

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